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Windows10 - Can't play videos

The Problem:   Windows 10 will no longer play videos. 

The Reason:     With Windows 10, Microsoft discontinued some software called 'Media Centre'
because hardly anyone used it.  Unfortunately, the software that played videos was part of this Media Centre.  Microsoft do have a replacement video player which can be found in the Windows App Store but it is not free. (I have read that Microsoft refused to pay the exorbitant license fees demanded by the company that owns the video player that was included in Windows 8.)

The Solution:     Download and install a program called VLC   Click here to Download VLC   This program will run any video known to man.  

(Image courtesy of [Mister GC] at
Windows10 - Can't play videos Windows10 - Can't play videos Reviewed by baybookings on 15:17:00 Rating: 5
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