Newsletter signup
Enter your Email address and First Name In the two text boxes, select the newsletter(s) that you wish to receive and click the blue 'Add' button.
BAY Centre Newsletters.
The BAY Centre is to produce two newsletters. They will be sent out approximately every two weeks as emails to be delivered straight to a person's email inbox.
One newsletter is from the BAY Centre and one from the Technology Clinic. The newsletters will both be based on the 'blogs' that are currently on the BAYC website (see below).
We are using a company called Mailchimp to handle our email distribution list. They handle over a billion emails every day and will secure our emails against the bad guys.
BAYC News blog
The first newsletter is based on the 'BAYC News and Events' blog which contains any news about the BAY Centre and the groups that use the Centre.It will also be used to publicise any upcoming events that may be of interest to the BAY Centre groups.
If anyone has any news to share or any events to publicise then please use the contact form.
Tech News & Tutorials
The second newsletter is based on the 'Tech News, Tutorials and Tips' blog and is about computers whether they be desktops, laptops, tablets or phones.There will be 'How to do' tutorials, articles on computer problems and any relevant tech news
If anyone has anything that they think would be of interest to others, please use the contact form.
We are using an company called 'MailChimp' to handle our email mailing list.More than 12 million people and businesses use MailChimp and send 1 billion emails every day.
They will keep your emails safe and, unlike some firms, they have never been hacked.
Newsletter signup
Reviewed by baybookings