Tech Links
Links to useful tech websites on the internet
Click on a link (blue, underlined text) to take you to useful technical websites.To return to this page, click on your browser 'back' button.
Click here for Computer Terms, dictionary and glossary. This website 'Computer Hope' has explanations for computer terms in alphabetical order.
Click here for Computer questions and answers. The 'Computer Hope' website has numerous tutorials on various computer subjects.
Click here for Basic tutorials on computers and Microsoft Office. The 'GCFLearnFree' website has numerous tutorials on computer basics.
How Satellite Internet Works: http://www.
How Cable Internet Works: http://www.
Here's a very useful link to an article called 'Protecting Children's Privacy - A Guide for Parents, Carers and Educators'
Here's a link to an article on safe shopping
Tech Links
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